Thursday, May 30, 2013

Family and Time

Just some pics of family time together, celebrating so much work by the Graduates and training them by their parents....time marches on...."I'll fly away"!! .... Thank you Mindy for the pics to share :).....

Yep! day they are little and full of giggles and then you turn around and they are 16, then!!........a journey!!  A Flick Journey....blessed!!!   Kari

Monday, May 27, 2013


Time does fly by.....two Grads this Spring....lots of life behind them and lost of living ahead too.....have a blessed life girls! is our prayer.....

The story goes for the record that these gals dad went to kindergarten and every day brought back a picture of a house....I asked him if he thought he might like to use his imagination and try drawing a new idea....he came home with the house on one side of the paper and a Indian Tepee on the other.....the rest of the year!!.....Kids are sweet and they all grow up so fast.....but then some of us never really grow up!!....and that is OK too!!  We pray these new graduates follow God with all their hearts, minds and souls.....for really, nothing else matters in life than that.....if we seek the kingdom of God first in our lives.....ALL other things will be added by God......and scripture is where life lies.....all truth....written by God....for us ......  How amazing is that!!......Journey on with God Graduates!!.....and your journey will be most blessed!!   Love...... to you both......Grams and Gramps