Happy New Year!! Our family was blessed with a get together in Bluffton between Christmas and New Years. We have birthdays galore in the winter months so we enjoyed singing and celebration of all our days of births. God has seen to truly bless our family with joy and tangible love that touches each one of our hearts in unique and special ways.

Times together is never a waste!! It may have had snow on the ground outside but our hearts were truly warmed as the kids played and the adults caught up on each other. We are a family too that can enjoy giving each other books...some of them copies of books that have blessed us in the last year and we want to share them.

Grandables sure have a way of growing up too!! I was able to snap a quick picture of 3 generations and all the Flick men too!! Andrew is going to "rise above" the other men soon! He is growing like a weed!! From my Quilted Heart to Yours!! Kari