Wednesday, December 22, 2010


We had a sweet weekend visit with our sons'family from Bloomington. His wifes' Dad had a Christmas Cantata on Sunday Eve so the gals were all dressed up in their sweet pillowcase dresses their Mama had made them...
The dresses had fuzzy ball trim and they reminded me of little Christmas Balls running around with their dollies, holding the kittens and walking babies in the stroller.
The snow keeps falling everyday. It all started just two days after we got home from Vermont and parked the RV behind the cabin to unload it. I seriously sent out Email Christmas cards with Bing singing....I'm dreaming of a White Christmas...!! as only he can sing it...and oh, so has been snowing since I sent that out. God blesses us!
My Hub also received a late birthday gift....Silver...he has been talking with his son about that and so while we were in Vermont I talked with Kev and we set it up that it would be delivered to his home for safe keeping. It arrived there on Gary's 61st birthday, November 16th. So, we REALLY REALLY surprised him. That is HARD to do! he is such a good guesser of gifts! now, we are seriously going to get into precious metals as our government seems to want to unline our pockets these days!!
While In Vermont I was envoloped in GREEN MOUNTAIN..they sold everything that was possible as organic and green grown. I had found the Mary Janes Magazine while we had our precious time with our sons' Steves family. The TSC was a favorite store of ours while there and it caught my eye at the checkout. It is a find. I love it. That is how we met up with the Alpaca Turkey Farm here in Indiana, through their ONE time adverticement in the back of the magazine. Anyways, there is a sisterhood you can join...I did as a rural farmgirl. It is fun, earning badges in the Sisterhood. I have to buy a denim shirt to sew them onto to wear around town. Yep! why not!!...... so PLEASE be safe driving in this unpredicable out for flying reindeers....HOHOHOHOHOHOHOHO!!!! Yes, Merry Christmas!!! Quilted Christmas Bells!!! Kari

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