Time changes things. Someone said that once I am sure!!! We had the greatest neighbors in Aiken and we will miss them terribly! We had decided that we needed to come back to our cabin for the winter, but would have to finish the house in SC first. Our precious neighbor heard us talking and said she thought that one of the neighbors wanted to buy a small farm, especially to get her horse off the little piece of land they had with the home they rented. So, we knocked on their door at 7:30pm and the rest is history. They loved the little house we had renovated and said it was just what they had always wanted. They also had terrible electric bills and hoped ours where smaller, well, as it turned out they were about 1/10th the cost this month alone. Also, another major blessing was that they loved to fix up and renovate also and that the man of the house really was a professional painter and drywaller!!! What a BIG blessing for Gary. They told us that they would finish all the trim work and the ceramic tiles, etc that needed done. We were close to finishing up but since we had built our cabin for 6 years we were running out of steam for the little farm. Our son and his family could not help with it as they had planned and since we wanted to slow down a bit and not be tied down that much we were thinking we had to sell it and move back to our cabin in the North. I KNOW!!!....most move south but we have a finished cabin in Indiana and can just live there. Then, since we are nurses, we decided now is a good time to travel with our nursing. So, we are purchasing a used RV to pull around to live in while we do 12 week nursing excursions. Then we can be home in the cabin other times of the year. It was good to get back here and start settling in. We will miss our son and his family for sure, but they may be relocating also in the next couple years with his government job. So, you see, it just all works out!. I hope the grandkids will never forget gutting and renovating a farmhouse with us and all the work we did pulling 40 years of trees and bushes out of the way for the pasture fences, etc. Its' all going to be OK!! Have a sweet day! and find things to be happy about!!