Today we decided what home we will be living in for the next few years while traveling on the road! It was kind of cool, kind of expensive, and most of all something that I never thought we would ever do! But we have the opportunity while we are still "young" and so we are planning to do it! The RV is very nice, hardly ever used too. The 86 year old man was retired from the Air Force, years ago, and just can't quit working. I told GW after we made our decision, "he is just so cute I felt we had to buy it from him!"....so, we go Friday to learn how to run everything in the camper...it comes complete with surround sound (the life of Riley,eh?) It sleeps 6 but GW is already trying to figure out how to put in a small stacked washer and dryer in the future. We are amazed this is all happening so fast! So, our first baby step to travel in nursing has started, or it better or we are going to have a very nice camper to visit with! God bless!! Kari
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