Adventure is always just that! What other name is better than that! Gary started his job at the ER yesterday and I made contact with a Home Health Agency for prn work. We are blessed. The folks here in the Northeast state of Vermont are so congenial and helpful. I have met many gals who sew and quilt too. So, I am quilting while I can and Gary is working. The trees will start changing here in a few weeks. We plan to make a trip just 30 minutes up the road soon at the Old Deerfield in Massachusetts. Also, we are planning to return to Portsmouth and enjoy another village called Strawbery Banke; along with just enjoying the seaside and the history in Portsmouth itself. It is a northern Charleston in my book.

The lightshouse we planned to see Sunday was no where in sight shall we say, and we were informed yesterday that the BEST Lighthouse is in Portland, Maine. So, that is planned for the future too. Yes, we have lots to cram into 12 weeks, but I know we will survive! We are most blessed in these days of uncertainty to have a nursing profession with a choice. There are also wonderful covered bridges everywhere here, we know of 2 in our area so far! History! Blessed American History!! Our roots! Have a blessed day! You can follow my quilting madness on Twitter also! Kari and Gary
The photos look like they could be postcards! Looks beautiful.