Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Warm Hugs
Sunday, December 5, 2010
What, No Lanolin?
Pass It On

We would not trade our time together in New England for anything. It was an awesome experience to share...we will always talk about it ... maybe when we are OLDER and if we get a bit confused we may BORE our loved ones with our repeated travel escapades we have had together, which by now number in the 100's. Sorry, all you that sink down long roots!! Would not trade my life with my Gary and our kids and now inlaws and grandys for ANYTHING!!.... You can not take things with you when you pass on but you sure can try to pass on the love and a legacy into the hearts that you love!!......or have fun trying!!! Quilted Love here!! Kari
Friday, November 26, 2010
Girlfriend.....Your God Is Good!

Going Home...Blessings....Beths Moores' Eat Pray and Love...Chip Ingrams' God As He Longs For You To See Him...My Gary, is my Love...My family, is my devotion... my Lord, is my Everything...
Bless You!....The Greatest of these is LOVE.... Quilted Seabreezes taking us back to Indiana....Delighting in Christ, Kari
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Tree of Life

A thankful heart is like medicine to a soul.... there is a proverb that goes something like....when hope is deferred it is like a empitness you can not fill, but when Hope is revealed it is a Tree Of Life. Jesus is that Hope revealed...Our Tree of Life. May we always COUNT OUR BLESSINGS!!!!..... Family = Blessings, Sending Sea Breezes...while they last!!.... Kari
Thank You
Sea Breezes.......Overflowing Blessings....
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Soul Mates
So much history.
School Day!

I will enjoy it with all my reading I do!!....Excuse me for my Quilted Vent!!.....all other trips have worked out really well.
More personal pics of my Birhday Man.. 61 year old... Gary in next post...... Just Lovin' Gary! Kari
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