We went to School today! Grandma Moses School House of her works. The Bennington Museum owns the copyrights to her paintings so you can not at any cost take a picture of them....they do watch you carefully!! We were watched by one man most of our time there. Actually, we were about ready to say something to him...we were just taking our time and enjoying it.....but he was just doing this job.

My Gary posed as the teacher and I sat in the classroom as his "student"....we were just having fun but I guess we "broke the rules!"....the Man started following us after I sat in the desk...OPPS!!!!!.... we always like to add some drama to otherwise a grey and maybe dull day.

On the way there was another water way....it was part of Molly Stakes National Forest...all things between Battleboro and Bennington has been named in her honor, General Starkes of the Revolutionary War. While in Wilmington, we came to a cross section on the Route 9, there was this HUGE old hotel, that now houses shops....we noticed it was called Hotel Putnam....that reminds us of our home back in Ohio, Before we left Brattleboro, we noticed a bunch of cute little kids across from the Post Office,where we had stopped to pick up our mail,....the building was Aiken Center...haha....then our Route was named after Molly Starke...and Dad had worked at Starke Memorial in Indiana...so we had reminders of home today.. Just some Molly Starke trivia...she had 11 children on the pioneer frontier! What a model of strength and endurance!!

We enjoyed seeing Grandma Moses history and talents, awesome, Andrew was born on her birthday September 7th, she lived to be 101 and died in 1961, I remember talking of her in elementary school in Art Class...Then, later I was so very disappointed that the Dear Jane Quilt was not on display. It is only shown to the public from Labor Day until mid Oct...I had no idea!! and would have ran over to see it...yikes!!...why would they not have it encased so it could be enjoyed year round??....OH WELL!!...poor Jane... over 2000 pieces of hard work needs to be enjoyed EVERYDAY!!!....So, I bought a 2.50 cents magnetic bookmark in the replica of part of her quilt....
I will enjoy it with all my reading I do!!....Excuse me for my Quilted Vent!!.....all other trips have worked out really well.
More personal pics of my Birhday Man.. 61 year old... Gary in next post...... Just Lovin' Gary! Kari
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