Brattleboro...named for a man named Brattle.... We have the weirdest intersection in Brattleboro, Vt. It would be hard to get a photo unless I actually got out of the car! Those that know how GW travels are laughing right now!..You all enjoy my pictures from the moving vehicle!..Anyways, there are 3 roads that intersect there, with a drive out near the railroad which you cross just after coming over the Connecticut River from New Hampshire, (the only bridge to cross in the area)...and then there is a public parking drive that also enters into the constant confusion. The Marlboro College also sits up on a hill to add even more interest. So, no stop light. NOPE!!...just ONE stop sign...for those coming from New Hampshire over the bridge. It is a FREE FOR ALL!!!!.....and then add the construction that is going on...I am sure it is part of the "stimulus"..just kidding. Gary has to cross this intersection every time he goes to work or every time we go into Brattleboro. So, we found out it is called DYSFUNCTION JUNCTION!!!. NO, I am NOT kidding!! LOL!!!

So, how many areas of our lives can we see this dysfunction junction.....wow!

Time spent walking has increased while we have stayed in Vermont. We plan a hike on a gorge around 1 hour north....on our way to see Norman Rockwell's Museum. He was born in NYC and was a artist for Saturday Evening Post by the time he was 22 years old. They knew talent!!!

I think this weekend was just a few days of "why don't we just relax?"...we could not decide what to do, so we just talked and tried to get our "plan of attack" set in our hearts and minds for December, when we get back to our cabin. We are enjoying traveling here, but you know as well as we do that there really is NO PLACE LIKE HOME!!!!!..... My Gary has truly stolen my heart, though, forever! and I will "follow him all the days of my life".....and evenings.....and afternoons too!!!......Thanks for visiting......Yawn!!.....Time for slumber!! Love, Kari
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